Zoological Park

Zoological Park

Zoological Park

Museum Junction, Trivandrum

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Image credit : keralatourism.org
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Image Credit : tripadvisor.in

The Zoological Park Thiruvanathapuram or  Thiruvananthapuram Zoo (also known as Trivandrum Zoo) is located in the city of Thirvanathapuram, the capital of Kerala, India. It occupies 55 acres (22 ha) of woodland, lakes, and lawns. It is the oldest zoo in Asia. Swathi Thirunal Rama Varma, who ruled Travancore between 1830 and 1847, established a menagerie where royal tigers, panthers, cheetahs, deer, boar, and other wild animals were kept. His brother Uthram Thrunal and British Resident William Cullen formally establish the zoo in 1857 as an annex to the Napier Museum. The zoo was originally built with the typical iron-barred cages prevalent at the time, and was designed for recreational purposes, but with increased loss of forest and wildlife due to human development, the goal of the Zoo has changed from recreation to conservation.

The Thiruvananthapuram Zoo is home to 82 species from around the world. Indigenous species at the zoo include lion-tailed macaque, Nilgiri langur, Indian rhinoceros ,Asiatic lion, royal Bengal tiger, white tiger and leopard, as well Asian elephants. Animals from Africa include giraffes, hippos, zebras, and Cape buffalos. The zoo also includes a snake farm which exhibits both poisonous and non-poisonous snakes and also have 7 Anacondas.

Source : wqikipedia








Visiting hours : 09.00 to 18.15 hrs. (Monday closed)

Entry fee : Adult Rs. 10/- and children 5-12 years Rs. 5/- Camera Rs.25/-

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