
Tattapani village is located in Mandi district at a distance of 51 km from Shimla and 29 km from Naldehra. It is situated on the right bank of river Sutlej at an altitude of 2,230 ft. above the sea level. In local language, ‘Tattapani’ means ‘hot water’. The place is famous for its hot water springs that is spread over an area of one square kilometre. It’s pure water is rich in sulphur content and is believed to have curative power for various kinds of bodily and skin diseases.
Tourists can visit a popular Hindu religious place called Shivji Ka Gufa (Shiva’s cave) which is just 4 km away from Tattapani. Adventure lovers can go for white water rafting on Sutlej river. One can also enjoy a bonfire with family or friends at night along the river side. Visitors can get accommodation at various guesthouses, budget hotels and luxury resorts that are located nearby.
Source : goibibo.com
Tattapani can be visited all the year round, especially in winters when the sulphur springs make the place a little warm.
Interestingly, the sulphur springs disappear when the level of the Sutlej rises in June-July and reappear in November-December.
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