Pandoh Dam

Pandoh Dam

Pandoh Dam

File:View of Spillway of Pando Dam.JPG

The Pandoh Dam is an embarkment dam on the Beas river in Mandi district of Himachal Pradesh, India. Under the Beas Project, the dam was completed in 1977 and its primary purpose is hydroelectric power generation. Part of a run-of-thr-river power scheme, it diverts the waters of the Beas to the southwest through a 38 km (24 mi) long system of tunnels and channels. The water is used for power generation at the Dehar Power House before being discharged into the Sutlej River, connecting both rivers. The power house has an installed capacity of 990 MW. The system diverts 256 cumecs (9000 cusecs) of Beas waters to the Satluj River.

Pandoh Lake is created by Pandoh Dam and is located about 19 kilometres (12 mi) upstream from Mandi on the River Beas.

Source : wikipedia


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